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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Colors colors and MORE COLORS!

I wanted to do a project for my preschoolers who had to stay home due to their brother having a fever. When one gets sick I just keep them home so that we can get it all over with. Anyways the preschool teacher texted me and told me that they were working on the letter A and manners. HOW FUN! We can do an alphabet project :). Then I remembered a pin about coloring noodles! So we got out the supplies and away we went! Food coloring, alcohol, bowls(or ziploc bags) and wax paper.

The kiddos had SO much fun coloring their noodles! They are ouside drying now :) I found the original pin and they mixed theirs in ziploc bags. Which probably would have been much easier lol. 
After this we took a break and ate some colored yogurt which was even MORE fun!


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Death by books!!

I wish I would have thought to take a BEFORE picture of our book "storage"! However I was SO fed up that I just had to get it done and over with!! I took out all their books and went through the ones that need to be repaired or replaced and set those aside. I took a beautiful pink basket that I had in the bathroom for a catch all and placed only FIVE of the easy reader/baby books in it. (My younger two are girls) Then I took a larger basket with handles that I had set aside and put a good selection of the boys' favorite books and the bible in it. Next I took a clear cubby and took 3 pages out of each coloring book and placed it in there. We had a large mess of coloring books prior to this. And then VOILA! A neat and organized reading center :D well..after I moved Anastasia's chair by the shelf :)
So do you have books that are taking over your living room/house/playroom?? If so find some things around the house and sort a few and put the others up in a closet (I put mine in a cabinet in our buffet in the dining room!) then switch them out once a week :D 
From Pinterest to my HOME!
XOXO Momof4our

btw I found this idea via 
Photo of Carolyn ChaoCarolyn Chao

Here is where it was linked to! 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Creamy Italian Chicken for the Crock Pot

As an army wife, I spend a lot of time living alone. I have had to learn tricks along the way to conserve time, money, and patience. Not to mention trying to feed three kids who have different tastes (the youngest is only 6months so she doesnt count yet). I am constantly on the search for quick and easy recipes that will fit our budget and family!

While looking at dinner party ideas I came across "Crock Pot Italian Chicken". Although I did forget the cream cheese it was still VERY amazing!! I put the chicken breasts, cream of chicken, and italian seasoning packet in the crockpot with some water as well. Turned it on to low and let it cook for 6 hours while I was at school. I came home and made bow tie noodles along with crescent rolls. It was a hit with the kids as well! Oh man it was SO good! I didnt even take time to take a picture of it :) So for now here is one from ChefInTraining :)

I highly recommend this dish, especially to single moms or even busy familys as well! 
xoxo MomOf4our

Monday, July 2, 2012

Past Pinterest Projects

When I first heard of pinterest I thought it was nuts! But then...I actually embraced it. I spent hours upon hours looking at pins! It was absolutely wonderful. I have so far made a goodbye center to keep jackets, and shoes, also redid my refrigerator and some cabinets in my kitchen to be more organized and make more room! I cant wait to share even MORE pinning projects with you!
xoxo MomOf4our
Kitchen cabinet..plates, bowls, seasonings, gadgets :)

Cheese, snack cups, and eggs :) into nice little cubbies

Coat rack bought at Target as well as 
the shoe shelf! Then place cubbies and name 
tags for shoes, socks, gloves, etc!

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